Announcing the Newest Release of the Shovler App!
We are happy to announce that we just uploaded the newest version of the Shovler App for the 2017-2018 winter season!
Last season, we received lots of feedback from users, and tried to incorporate as much as possible into this version. We fixed bugs, increased security, updated the terms of service, revamped the payments, and added lots of new features including GPS tracking of shovelers, and chat integration.
If you have the old version of the app, please make sure to download the updated version from the App Store and Play Store, as the old version will no longer work.
In order to learn more about the new version of Shovler, and see more screenshots, please see our latest Medium post.
We chose to upload it today so that we would be ready for the snowfall today in Montana! We have snow shovelers registered throughout Montana including Great Falls, Billings, Missoula, Bozeman, and Helena.