Farmer’s Almanac: Snow Season 2017-2018 May be Cold and Snowy for Some Areas
We hope you have been having a great summer and are enjoying the warm weather!
We just wanted to let you know that the Farmer’s Almanac was just published, and it’s forecasting a cold and snowy winter for the 2017-2018 winter season for some parts including the Northeast.
While we don’t know how accurate the Farmer’s Almanac is, we just wanted to let you know that we are hard at work improving the Shovler App for this upcoming season.
We have been working over the last 6 months to improve the user experience and add features that we believe are necessary to offer the best snow removal app experience. We think that users and snow shovelers will find the app to be even more useful this next winter.
Even though you’re likely not excited about a potentially cold and snowy winter, we just want to let you know that we are hard at work preparing to make it a bit more manageable.