Shovler Continues to Grow!
We have been too busy with the recent snow storms that we haven’t had time to even update the blog!
We just wanted to let everyone know that we are still operating and continue to complete jobs throughout the country. We have now completed jobs in 7 states and 2,500 snow shovelers registered on the platform!
The media attention that we are getting has also been amazing. This week we were featured or mentioned in the NY Post, CNBC, NBC News, ABC, and other news outlets. We really appreciate the attention we have been getting and hope that we can continue to live up to the hype!
Right now we are focused on making sure that users have the best experience possible. We have received feedback from several users that they are having trouble with the autofill in the maps. We have our tech team working on this and plan to upload a new version of the app ASAP with this issue fixed.
For the time being, if you are having problems with the autofill, you can still move the pin on the map to the location that you need done. Yes it is tedious, but it works. Just zoom out and then zoom into the location that you want done.
It looks like we have a little quiet before the next snow storm. During the meantime, Snow shovelers, please sign up your Stripe accounts! If you want to confirm that your Stripe account works before the first snow storm to ensure that all payments go through – please email as at admin at Shovler dot com to setup a time to do so.